Christchurch - Auckland
8 feb - 9 feb4 日
2 オートマチック
- Ferry for vehicle and one driver included.
This relocation has been archived.
Experience an unforgettable road trip in our Odyssey Pop Top. The interior features a living area with a kitchenette, an integrated bathroom with a toilet and shower, and sleeping areas. This campervan can accommodate up to four people comfortably with its pop-up roof as well as a double bed located in the back of the van. The Odyssey pop top is Indie Campers' medium-sized campervan. It's comfy, has an integrated heating system, and is fully autonomous. It is the perfect option for the more demanding traveler and off-the-grid road trips in all weather conditions. The living area has a bench, two swivel chairs, and a foldable table. The kitchenette is equipped with two gas stoves, a sink, and a 95L fridge. The bathroom has a toilet, a washing basin, and a shower. The sleeping area consists of two double beds, one located on the pop-up roof and the other one located in the back of the van.
8 feb - 9 feb4 日
2 オートマチック
9 feb - 10 feb4 日
2 オートマチック
10 feb - 12 feb4 日
2 オートマチック
9 feb - 11 feb3 日
6 オートマチック
1 mar - 30 oct4 x24時間
5 オートマチック
8 feb - 10 feb3 日
6 オートマチック
5 feb - 18 feb2 + 1 x24時間
5 オートマチック
5 feb - 13 feb4 + 2 日
6 オートマチック
5 feb - 14 feb4 + 2 日
2 オートマチック
8 feb - 18 feb4 + 3 日
5 オートマチック