Christchurch - Auckland
8 feb - 9 feb4 giorni
2 Automatico
- Ferry for vehicle and one driver included.
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5 seater Toyota Sienta which is so comfortable and easy to drive from Christchurch to Auckland!
Comes with added extras such as an extendable hose tap, a switch board controlling your electrics from the back of the van, and an innovative pull out kitchen that provides you with HEAPS more living space!
8 feb - 9 feb4 giorni
2 Automatico
9 feb - 10 feb4 giorni
2 Automatico
10 feb - 12 feb4 giorni
2 Automatico
9 feb - 11 feb3 giorni
6 Automatico
1 mar - 30 ott4 x24 ore
5 Automatico
8 feb - 10 feb3 giorni
6 Automatico
5 feb - 18 feb2 + 1 x24 ore
5 Automatico
5 feb - 13 feb4 + 2 giorni
6 Automatico
5 feb - 14 feb4 + 2 giorni
2 Automatico
10 feb - 19 feb1 x 24 ore
8 Automatico