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Christchurch (Canterbury) to Auckland (Auckland)
Ferry included for vehicle and driver
Fiat 4-Berth Campervan
26 nov - 14 dic4 giorni
4 Automatico
Mystry Group
1 mar, 25 - 30 ott, 254 x24 ore
5 Automatico
2 Berth Motorhome
27 nov - 29 nov4 + 1 giorni
2 Automatico
27 nov - 1 dic4 + 2 giorni
27 nov - 2 dic4 + 2 giorni
4 Berth Motorhome
27 nov - 4 dic4 + 2 giorni
6 Berth Motorhome
27 nov - 30 nov4 + 2 giorni
6 Automatico
27 nov - 7 dic4 + 2 giorni