Auckland - Christchurch
9 feb - 16 feb4 + 2 giorni
4 Automatico
- 18 e oltre
- NZ$100.00Refund against receipts
- Free Ferry for the Vehicle - Subject to receipts on drop-off
- Free Airport Transfer
This relocation has been archived.
Ulteriori informazioni
Per ulteriori informazioni sui costi, consulta il nostroarticolo del blog.
There’s plenty of space in this stylish motorhome, with a well-equipped kitchen, areas to eat and entertain, plus heaps of storage.
9 feb - 16 feb4 + 2 giorni
4 Automatico
8 feb - 14 feb4 + 5 giorni
3 Automatico
20 feb - 22 feb4 + 1 giorni
3 Automatico