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Brisbane (Queensland) to Melbourne (Victoria)
Free LPG and Table and Chairs.
3 Berth Hitop (Manual)
21 Jan. - 26 Jan.2 + 1 Tage
3 Manuell
4-Berth Hitop CamperVan
22 Jan. - 25 Jan.3 Tage
5 Automatik
4 Berth-Hitop
21 Jan.1 x Tag
4 Automatik
Best Car Available
21 Jan. - 25 Jan.3 x24Std
Compact Car
21 Jan. - 22 Jan.2 x24Std
Economy Car
22 Jan. - 4 Feb.8 + 4 Tage
4.5T Truck
21 Jan. - 15 Feb.1 + 2 x24Std
2 Automatik
6 Berth Motorhome
28 Jan. - 29 Jan.3 + 1 Tage
6 Automatik